Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Days 2 & 3

Day two was tougher than day one... not because I was sore from doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred, but because I got zero sleep! haha Baby Ben is teething so he woke up screaming a couple of times.

Breakfast: 2 egg whites, handful of spinach, oatmeal
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Huge mixed greens salad & an apple
Snack: Veggie juice (tomato, kale, apple, lemon)
Dinner: 3oz steak, quinoa (with cherry tomato, red onion) and asparagus

Intervals: Walk 5min / Jog 5min for 35mins total (while Ben napped)
Walked almost 5mi in the afternoon. LOVE my BOB stroller!

My husband got me the FitBit Flex for Christmas. At the time I was like, "Eh" because I don't wear jewelry that often. BUT! He knew I was joining this 100 day challenge and that I love to walk. He saw the future way more clearly than me! I LOVE this thing. I love that you can log in on your notebook to see where you're at OR even better, you can check is on your smart phone by using their app!

Today is Day 3
Breakfast - 2 egg whites, 1 egg and 2 handfuls of sauteed spinach (omelet style)
Snack: Banana
Lunch: HUGE salad (mixed greens, walnuts, cranberries)
Snack: Gala apple
Dinner: Salmon, angel hair pasta and olive oil, broccoli

10min Pilates workout (abs only)
Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (level 1)
Jogged 20min on treadmill (morning)
Walked 5.2mi outside in the beautiful sunshine with Ben

The working out is the easy part for me since I love pushing through and getting results (eventually). The hard part is the commitment to eating clean and healthy. So far cutting out the sugar has been easy. Anything with refined sugar, sweetener, high fructose syrup and all variations has been great. I can do it!


Monday, January 6, 2014

Start your engines!

The Fat & Furious 100 Day weight loss / fitness challenge has begun! At this morning's weigh in: 186lbs. Honestly, these last two weeks I was trying to get to 190lbs, but getting my wisdom teeth pulled a week ago put a wrench in that. 

Pre-baby at 150lbs
Pregnant at 226lbs
Currently at 186lbs

Cheers to working hard to get the weight off and FEEL healthier. 


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Goals, goals, goals

Weigh in is tomorrow and I am so excited to get started on this mission! I figured I better lay out some sort of plan and set some goals to help keep me on track. These are basic and I have sub goals to reach each goal too, which I'll share along the way.

Contest goal is to lose 20lbs+ and WIN
Eat healthier ALL week and make better choices for every single meal
Run at least 3 5K’s and 2 10K’s this year
Walk or jog at least 10K steps per day
Go to bed earlier!

Get my BMI back into the healthy range
Cutting out refined sugar; sweeteners. Good read: The Sugar Blues
No processed snacks or cereal
To be as active of a mom as I can be
 For my boobs get much smaller!

I am a visual person so results motivate me. But I keep two pictures on our treadmill - one is Kara Goucher (Olympic Marathoner & mom, below/center) and the other is of Jessica Biel's booty. I'm a sucker for mommy before and after photos too. It reminds me there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Cameron Diaz's: The Body Book

I'm in love. With a book.

I picked up The Body Book and am already almost half way through it. There is something amazingly refreshing about this book. It's well written and pulls you in! I am all about encouraging other women and I love sharing things I find that will make other women feel good, so this read is the perfect fit for me.

Since I'm doing this 100-day challenge, this book couldn't have come at a better time. I already have my work out game plan, but to have a go-to for nutrition and WHY it's important is great. And fun! I feel like I'm a student and it makes me feel like I'm learning and relearning. And growing. Haha!

Finishing my last beer for a long, long time. I promised my husband I'd finish this chapter and be done for the night! #bookworm


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

100 Day Challenge "Fat and Furious: Team Slim"

2014 is upon us and I couldn't be happier. Our 2013 was filled with lots of love and family. We have had a blast this year, especially with the new addition of our baby boy. We are kicking off the new year by doing a Biggest Loser type of competition with a lot of my husband's teammates/coworkers. It is a 100 day challenge and the person that loses the most body mass, wins! The buy in is $100 and the top 4 places earn quite a bit of money. If you know me, you know I'm motivated by money (which is why I'm in sales) so I plan on hustling and giving 110% to win this thing!       

About Me:
* 32 years old
* Gained 66lbs during pregnancy (in addition to the 10lbs I put on 2mo before I got pregnant)
* Half Samoan and half Polish/German (my genes are working against me)
* LOVE jogging and almost any type of active cardio
* Dread doing anything when I don't get enough sleep! Which happens a lot right now with our infant! haha
* Typically I wouldn't use a scale, only for this contest. I'm way more into how I feel than how much I weigh.

Cheers to 2014! I'd love to hear any suggestions, advice or encouraging stories! Wish me luck.
